Virginia Housing Receives Top Virginia Employers for Interns Award

August 1, 2024

In commemoration of Virginia Intern Day, The Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (VTOP) has recognized Virginia Housing as a recipient of the 2024 Top Virginia Employers for Interns Award ↗. This year’s award recognizes 136 employers from across Virginia who provide high-quality internships to students.

VTOP is recognizing Virginia Housing’s internship program due to offerings such as exposure to senior leadership, structured mentorship programs, training for industry certifications, professional development, diverse hiring practices and competitive hourly rates. Virginia Housing offers eleven year-round internship positions in various departments within the organization, and the average intern’s tenure is two years.

"As a champion for lifelong learning, I see incredible value in our internship program," said Virginia Housing CEO Tammy Neale. "The participants gain real-world career experience with housing leaders and innovators as our organization prepares the next generation of housing leaders to take on the challenges of tomorrow."

V-TOP is administered by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia in partnership with the Virginia Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the Virginia Business Higher Education Council. It is funded by the General Assembly’s Commonwealth Innovative Internship Fund and Program.

For more information about Virginia Housing’s internship program, visit our internship page.

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